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About Us


Good things are happening all over Hawai'i Island and we want to share those stories of hope with you.  Often times creative, innovative projects aren't known to the public.  We will be posting each story here on the website, as well as freely giving them to each organization to use how they choose.  We want to champion our neighbors so they can focus on what they do best!


We have partnered with a local production company to harness the power of storytelling by producing documentary style short films for 8 organizations currently working towards sustainable efforts here on Big Island. We are beginning with two short documentaries focusing on each of 4 elements: water, earth, air and fire.

We recently filmed the first episode, For Children to Flourish, using 100% in kind donations. Check back soon to watch it here! 


Our ocean and fresh water sources need to be cared for.  All life depends on it.  There are many efforts underway to protect our coastal waters and deal more effectively with our waste on Big Island. By connecting with one of these initiatives, both residents and tourists get the chance to participate.



We have a 365 day a year growing season here in Hawaii. The Big Island has over 600,000 acres of an agricultural footprint.  We all know that shopping local has numerous benefits: supporting local farmers, less importing, healthier eating, and a reduction in our carbon footprint.  The more people who purchase directly from the island eventually equates to lower costs.  And it isn't just food being produced here, companies are coming up with creative ideas to turn our rubbish into usable goods.


Talk of Climate Change is everywhere.  In 2015 Hawaii enacted a law that requires electric utility companies to sell only renewable energy to their customers by 2045.  On September 1, 2022 the state's only coal powered power plant will shut down.  The move to renewable energy is happening. Some projects are not only focusing on future thinking energy sources but focusing on natural means to draw carbon out of the atmosphere by planting trees and protecting reefs - the best air cleaners on the planet!



Like fire, human beings, have the ability to create or destroy. Sometimes it takes only the smallest spark to ignite a passion to altruistically serve those around us; our neighbors, our keiki, our kupuna.   There are amazing people on island giving their time and their fire to bring community together, form positive relationships, and serve those in need.

About Us: Causes
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